I’ve spent more hours than I care to admit scrolling through LinkedIn, so I've seen it all when it comes to profiles.

But one thing that always stands out to me? A killer recommendation.

There's just something about reading through glowing reviews from colleagues, clients, or managers that makes you feel like you're on top of the world. But most importantly: recommendations tell your potential clients and employers you’re knowledgeable.

But not all recommendations are created equal. Some are vague and generic; others are specific and heartfelt.

In this article, I want to share some of the best LinkedIn recommendation examples I’ve seen and explain why they work so well. (Feel free to use them as templates when requesting yours!)

Why LinkedIn Recommendations Matter

LinkedIn recommendations are basically testimonials from other people who know you professionally, and they can be a game-changer for your profile.

Why? Well, for one thing, they give you social proof. When someone's considering working with you, seeing that other people have vouched for you can give them more confidence.

Recommendations also help you differentiate yourself from the competition. When there are hundreds of profiles with similar qualifications, a standout recommendation can make all the difference.

It shows that you've got a track record of success and that others value your contributions.

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LinkedIn Recommendations Examples I Love (+ a Template)

I’ve searched high and low to find some amazing LinkedIn recommendations so you can see them in action. Let’s take a look!

Best Linkedin Recommendations Examples

✍️ LinkedIn Recommendation Sample from a Colleague or Team Member

Getting a recommendation from a colleague can be a game-changer when it comes to advancing your career.

Think about it: who knows your work better than someone who's worked alongside you day in and day out?

Plus, having a recommendation on your LinkedIn profile shows potential employers that you're a team player and have a good working relationship with others. It could be the boost you need to take your career to the next level.

Here are a couple of great examples:

Linkedin recommendation examples from colleagues

✍️ LinkedIn Recommendation from a Mentor

Mentors are like wise elders (but they can be close to your age) in our professional lives. They provide guidance, support, and invaluable advice that helps us grow and excel in our careers.

Having a recommendation from a mentor can attest to your work ethic, knowledge, and achievements and provide a personal touch to your professional profile.

Here’s a fantastic one I found:

Linkedin recommendation examples from a mentor

Nathan masterfully expresses the traits he found in the person. I especially like the sentence, “She weds her boundless curiosity with her strong leadership skills to communicate creative solutions to new problems.”

Doesn’t that make you want to hire this person right now– for any job?

✍️ LinkedIn Recommendation from a Manager or Supervisor

A LinkedIn recommendation for a former manager or supervisor can highlight their leadership skills and expertise. It's a great way to show appreciation for their guidance and mentorship while you worked under them.

Linkedin recommendation examples for a manager

This one is an excellent example because it’s simple and straight to the point. Jessica highlights the manager’s leadership skills, and it shows gratitude for the role they played.

✍️ LinkedIn Recommendations from Customers

If you're selling something (product, services) then getting recommendations from past clients or customers can build a lot of trust for your future prospects. Take your best customers and ask them to leave you a recommendation: it's the perfect social proof if a prospect is checking out your LinkedIn profile.

That's what I've done with my own LinkedIn profile for example, here are the recommendations displayed:

Linkedin recommendation examples from my profile

LinkedIn Recommendation Template

Alright, here is a template I’ve used when making my own recommendations on LinkedIn. Of course, you need to tailor it to fit the person, their role, and the goals you have for it, but this is a great starting point to get the ball rolling:

I had the pleasure of working with [Name] at [Company] for [length of time]. [He/She/They] was an absolute rockstar in [his/her/their] role as [position/department], and I couldn't have asked for a better person to work with.
[Name]'s [specific skills and traits] stood out to me from the get-go, and [He/She/They] consistently exceeded expectations every step of the way. [He/She/They] was a true leader who [specific leadership qualities], and [his/her/their] ability to [specific examples of accomplishments] was truly impressive.
[Name] is also an amazing person to work with. [He/She/They] is [specific personal traits], and [He/She/They] always made the workplace a positive and supportive environment.
I highly recommend [Name] for any future endeavors, and I'm confident [He/She/They] will continue to shine in any role they’re in and overcome any challenges they may face!

How to Write a Great LinkedIn Recommendation (with Examples!)

Follow these simple tips, and you’ll craft easily digestible but effective recommendations for the people in your network or templates you can share with those you’d like to get recommendations from.

Step 1. Start with a Catchy Opener

First, you want something that captures the reader's attention. All you need is a sentence or two that highlights your or the person's strengths or accomplishments. Here are some examples:

  • "I've had the pleasure of working with Jon S. for the past year, and let me tell you – he's a true marketing whiz."
  • "If you're looking for someone who can consistently deliver high-quality work under pressure, look no further than Jane D."
  • "It's not often that you come across someone who is both creative and detail-oriented, but that's exactly what you'll find in Alex F."

Remember to keep your opener honest and unique to the individual you're recommending. Avoid using cliches or generic statements that could apply to anyone.

Step 2. Explain Your Relationship

This not only helps establish your credibility as a recommender but also provides context for the reader. You don’t need to go into extreme detail but try to provide some information that shows why you're qualified to give this recommendation. Example:

  • "I had the pleasure of working with Jon S. at ABC Marketing Agency for two years, where he consistently exceeded our clients' expectations."
  • "I hired Jane D. to lead our company's new product development team, and she quickly became an invaluable asset to our organization."
  • "Alex F. was a student in my digital media class, and I was consistently impressed with their ability to come up with creative solutions to complex problems."

If you've helped somebody on a given project for example, you can mention that.

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Step 3. Mention Their Specific Role or Position

Of course, it's important to mention the specific role or position that the person held while you worked with them so the reader has a better understanding of the person's experience and expertise in their field.

Some examples I would use in my Linkedin recommendations:

  • "As the project manager for our company's website redesign, John T. played a crucial role in ensuring that the project was completed on time and within budget."
  • "In her role as the lead designer for our marketing materials, Rachel P. consistently produced high-quality work that impressed both our team and clients."
  • "As the CEO of XYZ Company, Sarah K. demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and a deep understanding of our industry."

Step 4. Highlight Skills & Traits that Make Them Stand out

Shine a spotlight on the person's skills and traits so people understand what they are capable of and what they bring to the table.

If the person is good at sales, say so. Some examples to get your creativity going:

  • "Amanda J. has a real talent for thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to problems. Her ability to approach things from a different perspective has been invaluable to our team."
  • "Eric S. is an exceptional communicator with a knack for bringing people together and building strong relationships. His interpersonal skills have been key to our team's success."
  • "As a leader, Tom R. has an impressive ability to motivate and inspire his team. He consistently sets a high standard for himself and his colleagues and is not afraid to push people to reach their full potential."

Step 5. Get Personal

But don’t overdo it! The goal is to express what the person is like to work with or be around. A little anecdote goes a long way to build authenticity in your recommendations, but don't become cringy (even if it's Linkedin...)

  • "I always enjoyed working with Sarah L. because of her infectiously positive attitude. She has a way of making even the most stressful situations feel manageable."
  • "John K. is one of the most thoughtful and considerate people I know. He always takes the time to listen and understand other people's perspectives, which makes him an excellent collaborator."
  • "Nina P. is not only a talented marketer but also a genuinely kind and caring person. She goes out of her way to support her colleagues and make sure everyone feels included."
Pro Tip: Make the recommendation stand out before the "See More" button.

You don't want the good stuff to be hidden behind a "See More" button. That's because people might not bother to click it and miss out on your killer recommendation (just like with email subject lines). So make sure to include the best parts and the actual recommendation before that button.

That way, the reader gets to see the essential stuff immediately, and they’ll be more likely to read the whole recommendation.

How to Request LinkedIn Recommendations

If you're on the other end and want someone to write a recommendation for you, don't worry; it's normal! Remember: Linkedin is for business. There is no shame in asking for recommendations.

On LinkedIn, you can easily ask your 1st-degree connections for a recommendation using the "Ask for a Recommendation" button.

To make the most of this feature, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Don't be afraid to ask: If you've worked with someone and you think they can vouch for your skills and work ethic, just ask them! They'll likely be happy to help you out.
  • Be direct in what you're looking for: Make sure to mention what specific skills or qualities you'd like them to highlight. This will help them write a more targeted and effective recommendation.
  • Be polite and friendly: A little bit of kindness can go a long way! Remember to say please and thank you, and express your gratitude for their time and effort in writing a recommendation for you.
  • Ask the right people: Make sure you’re asking the right people in your network, including former colleagues, clients, senior employers, or anyone else who has worked closely with you on projects and can speak highly to your abilities.
  • Ask at the right time: Timing is everything! Consider asking after you've completed a major project or left your current position/company while your achievements and contributions are still fresh in their minds.
  • Offer a recommendation in return: You know, “Scratch my back, and I’ll scratch your back.” Offer to write a recommendation for the person you're asking. This shows that you value their work and are willing to put in the effort to help them out as well.
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That’s a Wrap!

LinkedIn recommendations can make a big difference when it comes to standing out from the crowd. They demonstrate your professional strengths and showcase the valuable relationships you’ve built over the course of your career. Data shows it can highly increase your chance to land your dream job 👀

Now that you have all the tools you need to write a killer recommendation, as well as tips for requesting recommendations for yourself, it's time to put that knowledge into action!

Get out there, ask for recommendations, and watch your career take off!