Whether you’re meeting with your team or a client, meetings are an opportunity to bounce ideas, celebrate wins and ultimately move your business toward new goals.

However, it all starts in one place: sending a meeting request email.

And that’s what I’m here to talk about today! Let’s look at what makes a great meeting request email. I’ll also give you examples and templates you can start using today to make your meetings go off without a hiccup!

The Basic Principles of Meeting Requests Emails

Before diving into the email examples, there are a few golden rules to make your meeting requests more successful:

1. Don’t Overbook Attendees

This tip follows the “less is more” principle. When you overbook your meetings and have too many people, your meetings will be less productive.

First, make a list of the key players that absolutely have to be there. Then invite them and only them.

Your meeting will be more streamlined and effective. The people who need to be there can quickly get to the point of the meeting instead of updating everyone else on the agenda.

Second, the people who aren’t necessary can put that time and effort toward other areas of the business instead of wasting time.

Of course, every meeting has different reasons and needs, but as a general rule of thumb, err on the side of inviting as few people as possible.

If you need to share what happens in the meeting with more of the team, I suggest recording it and sharing the video or simply taking notes of the critical points and sending them via email.

2. Expressly State Why the Meeting is Required

I know, you’re thinking, “That’s obvious!” but you’d be surprised how many emails only have something like “Meeting on Friday, will you be available?”

Your meeting request email needs to include:

  1. The purpose of the meeting.
  2. Discussion points or the agenda.
  3. The desired results from the meeting.
  4. The reason for inviting this specific person.

That way, everyone will be on the same page for the meeting, making them more efficient.

For example, if you’re sending a meeting invite to your target company’s entire engineering department, there has to be a clear reason why you’re inviting every single engineer. If there isn’t, don’t invite them.

Similarly, if you’re expecting specific information from attendees, state it in the meeting invite so they can prepare ahead of time.

3. Be Clear with the Meeting’s Time and Place

Rolling off of tip two, this is another thing that seems like common sense but can be easily overlooked.

Make sure your meeting request states the time, place and platform you will be using.

Also, if you’re working with a remote team with people in different time zones/countries, consider this when setting up the meeting and inviting them.

Make sure your Zoom or Meet links are attached!

4. Don’t Forget Your CTA

Just like with a sales email, your meeting request needs a CTA, too. A CTA (or call-to-action) is the last little bit that gets the person on the other side to act.

In this case, maybe you need your team to read reports before the meeting or add themselves to the calendar. The CTA is where you compel them to do it.

Check out my templates below to get an idea of what I mean!

5. Make Sure Everyone Has the Meeting Agenda Beforehand

I’ve done a deep dive into sales meeting agendas before. They’re for sales meetings, but with a few tweaks, my templates can be adapted to any type of meeting. The goal is to keep everyone focused on one or two issues at most.

(If you’re wondering whether you should also cover a few other miscellaneous issues – don’t. And if something can be an email, it shouldn’t be in your meeting agenda.)

Once you have your agenda ready, send it out to attendees through the meeting invite, Slack or email. You want everyone to know what their role will be, especially if you’re expecting them to actively participate.

The Anatomy of a Meeting Request Email

Alright, now let’s start looking at the structure of a meeting request!

1. The Subject Line

The initial part of any email will be the subject line. It’s the first thing the recipient will see before ever opening the email.

So it’s vital that the subject line is clear and compels them to open.

Here are a few examples of straightforward meeting request subject lines:

  • Meeting request for (date & time)
  • Urgent meeting request about (topic)
  • Are you available for a meeting on (date & time)?
  • We have a meeting on (date & time)

If possible, reference the topic in the subject line so it’s clearer. If you’re sending directly through Google or Outlook Calendar, you’ll want to title your meeting accordingly.

2. The Introduction

When the attendees click on the email, the next thing they will see (after the greeting) will be the introduction – the first few lines of your email.

For meeting request emails, you should start by explaining the purpose of the email. Then, go into detail about the reason for the meeting and why the recipient needs to attend.

Lay out the goals of the meeting: Is it an update on a current project? A health check for your sales team? A potential client you want to woo?

I’ll provide examples below of what this looks like in practice!

3. The Body

After the introduction, then there’s the body. This is where you expand on the earlier introduction points.

It doesn’t need to be a wall of text. Keep things simple and to the point. You can provide a breakdown of what the meeting will be or the agenda if you’ve prepared it ahead of time.

Use elements like line breaks, bold, bullet points and option formatting options to make the info easier to follow.

4. The CTA and Signature

Finally, there’s the CTA, which I explained above. You also want to clarify the time and date to avoid confusion. Remind them if you need to read up on reports or provide material for the meeting.

Then, the email will close out with your signature. Include your name and contact info so they can quickly get in touch with you if they have any questions or concerns.

Now, let’s put all these elements together and look at some examples!

13 Effective Meeting Request Email Templates and Samples

1. General Meeting Request

Hi [Name],

I’m getting in touch to request your presence at a meeting to discuss [Briefly mention the purpose of the meeting]. Your insights and contributions would be priceless [Reference the reason, if possible].

  • Date: [Proposed date]
  • Time: [Proposed time]
  • Location/Platform: [Physical location or link]

Please let me know if the proposed time works for you or suggest an alternative that suits your schedule!


2. Collaboration Meeting Request

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I'm [Your name] from [Your company]. I was impressed by your [Mention specific work]. I’d love to discuss potential collaboration on [Project]!

Can we schedule a brief meeting? I’m available on [Date and time]. Does this work for you?

Please let me know!

Thank you,

3. Potential Client Meeting Request

Hello [Name],

[Personalized opening line.]

I’m [Your name] from [Your company]. I’m reaching out because I think it’s time we took your business to the next level. [Elaborate with social proof or other personalization points.]

In our meeting, I'll share insights on how we can [Insert details or benefits].

Would you be able to meet this week? Let me know – we can coordinate to find a suitable slot.

I'm eager to hear from you and explore our partnership!

Have a great day,

4. Potential Client Meeting Request Follow-Up

Hi again, [Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous message. I'd love to take our potential collaboration forward!

Are you available for a brief meeting to explore the details? [Elaborate on value props or reinforce the position statement.]

Please let me know if the timing doesn’t work for you right now.

[Your name]

5. Cold Sales Email with Meeting Request

Hi [Name],

[Personalized opener.] I’ve come to understand you’re struggling with [Challenge]. [Your company] can help! We’ve worked with similar clients, including [Mention some well-known clients].

We can help you resolve [Mention a specific pain point or challenge] and reach [Goals]. I'd love to show you how.

Are you available for a chat at [Time and date]?

Best regards,
[Your name]

6. Mutual Connection/Reference Meeting Request

Hi [Name]!

[Referral name] recently mentioned that you and [Their company] are also currently struggling with [Challenge].

We can help!

[Explain what your company does and how you can help.]

I see exciting potential for collaboration. Let’s explore this further in a quick meeting!

Would [Date and time] work for you? Of course, feel free to suggest an alternative time that suits you better.

Looking forward to talking to you!

[Your name]

7. Meeting Over Lunch Request

Hi [Name],

Hungry for both progress updates and a good meal? I know I am! How about we grab lunch next week and dive into the latest on our project?

If you're game, let me know your availability and feel free to recommend any hidden gems around [Location].

Anticipating a productive catch-up. We've got a lot on the agenda!

[Your name]

8. Informal Meeting Request

Hey [Name],

Hope all's well on your end! I'm reaching out because I’d love to grab a cup of (virtual) coffee with you and discuss [Meeting purpose].

Could you share your availability? I'd love to lock in a date to catch up and dive into the details.

Looking forward to a productive chat!

[Your name]

9. Formal Meeting Request

Dear [Name],

I'm inviting you to a meeting on [Date and time]. The agenda will cover [Insert details].

Your input on [Topic] would be priceless! If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, feel free to reach out.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,
[Your name]

10. Urgent Meeting Request

Hello [Name],

I’m reaching out because there’s a matter we need to urgently discuss concerning [Provide details].

It’s imperative that we meet as soon as possible to avoid [Provide details about consequences]. Are you available on [Date and time]?

If not, please let me know your availability.

Thank you in advance,
[Your name]

11. Current Client Meeting Request

Hello [Name],

I hope you are doing well! I’m reaching out to request a meeting so we can discuss how [Product/service] has worked for you, how we can help support your business more and where we can improve our partnership.

Are you available on [Date and time]?

Please let me know if this time works for you. If not, we can find one that does.

[Your name]

12. Meeting Request with Boss/Supervisor

Hello [Name],

I hope you’re well. I’m emailing you because I’d like to discuss [Provide details for the meeting].

I hope we can find a solution for [Reason for the meeting] so I can continue to be a valuable member of the team.

Please let me know when your schedule is open to meet. I’m free on [Days] if that works for you.

Thank you,
[First name]

13. Availability Meeting Request

Hello [Name],

Hope all is well on your end! I'm reaching out to request an appointment for a meeting with you.

Would you be able to let me know when you are free or share your calendar link so I pencil myself in?

I’m hoping to discuss [Provide a reason for the meeting]. Of course, I will provide more details during the meeting.

Please let me know!

Kind regards,
[Your name]

Meeting Request Email Best Practices

1. It’s a Meeting Request – Not an Order

Remember that you are making a request and not ordering someone to do something. That means your tone needs to be professional and courteous throughout. Even with the more casual emails, you should always be polite.

For example, don’t say, “Can we meet on Tuesday at 12 PM?” Instead, you can say, “I’d love to schedule a meeting with you on Tuesday at 12 PM. If that doesn’t work for you, please provide an alternative time.”

This gives them options so they don’t feel forced to meet at your time.

2. Build Rapport

Whenever you send an email, you want to build rapport with your recipient. Ask about their day or any other relevant questions. Tailor your message to them by including their name and specific points about them, especially if you’re setting up a sales meeting.

It makes the message more personalized and ultimately gets you the results you are looking for.

3. Keep Your Meeting Request Email Simple and Sweet

No one wants a copy of Game of Thrones in their inbox.

Make your meeting requests succinct and to the point. Every sentence should have a reason for being there, whether building rapport or providing details about the meeting. And shoot for shorter sentences over complicated and wordy ones.

Also, use formatting to make your emails easier to read and follow. Break up long blocks of text, bold vital points and add lists to help with readability.

4. Use the Appropriate Tone

The tone is essential when crafting your email. Usually, you have three options:

There’s the professional tone, which you should use when emailing your boss or potential clients.

Then, a neutral tone can be employed when engaging with colleagues or acquaintances, where a formal tone might seem excessive. It strikes a balance between professionalism and familiarity.

Finally, the friendly or casual tone is suitable for emails to close colleagues or collaborators, where a more personal and relaxed approach is not only acceptable but also appreciated. You can even use it for cold emails, depending on the types of leads you’re contacting.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. You’ll need to gauge the context and relationship dynamics to figure out which tone you should use. But generally, friendly on the professional side works in 99% of cases.

Land That Meeting!

Meetings are a vital part of what we do, but requesting them is a bit more involved than simply saying, “Hey, meeting on Thursday!”

I hope my tips and templates have helped you feel more sure about your ability to craft effective meeting request emails.

But another thing that’s equally important is getting the right email address – especially if you’re doing cold outreach. And that’s where Findymail comes to the rescue! With Findymail, you can email with confidence, knowing your message will get to the right person by finding verified email addresses.

Sign up today and get your first 10 verified emails for free!