Raise your hand if you've ever found yourself in the endless loop of sending the same email over and over again. You know the drill – whether it's a weekly report to your team, a monthly newsletter to clients, or that friendly nudge to a prospect on the fence, repetitive emailing can feel like a never-ending journey.

Luckily, if you’re using Microsoft Outlook, a workaround lets you set recurring emails automatically.

In this article, I’m going to walk you through the steps to get it all set up, and then I’ll wrap up with some tips and best practices so you can make sure you’re getting the most out of this feature.

Why Use Recurring Emails in Outlook?

Before I dive into the steps to set everything up, I want to share why I think this is a powerful feature.

  • Stay Consistent: Whether you're managing a team, nurturing client relationships, or simply keeping peers in the loop, consistency matters. Recurring emails make sure your recipients know when to expect your message, creating a rhythm they can easily follow and anticipate.
  • Save Time: Who wants to waste precious minutes (or hours) manually sending the same email on a regular basis? With recurring emails, you free up your schedule to conquer more pressing tasks or perhaps enjoy that extra cup of coffee!
  • Never Miss an Opportunity: Life gets busy, and sometimes that important email slips through the cracks. Recurring emails act as a backup, making sure your message lands in the right inbox.
  • Enhanced Professionalism: Suppose a potential client receives your monthly updates like clockwork, showcasing your dedication and reliability. That's professionalism at its finest, and recurring emails let you effortlessly embody it.
  • Effective Reminders: Whether it's a meeting reminder, a subscription renewal, or a special offer, recurring emails can serve as a friendly way to keep your recipients in the loop.

The Real Power of Recurring Email: The Follow-Up

I want to give a special section to this because follow-ups with potential leads and prospects are vital to success in the world of sales. Suppose you've made your pitch, presented your product with enthusiasm, and left your potential client intrigued.

Now what? This is when the art of the follow-up comes into play.

Did you know that around 80% of sales require about five follow-ups before sealing the deal? It's a staggering number, highlighting just how important persistent yet tactful communication can be.

But despite the critical role follow-ups play, less than half of sales representatives actually send follow-up emails, standing at a mere 44%. And for those who do embark on the follow-up journey, 94% of them drop off after the fourth email.

With this in mind, you can see how a recurring email that automatically goes out to leads can dramatically boost your sales and drive real results.

How to Set Up Recurring Emails in Outlook

Alright, here’s what you need to do to set up recurring emails using Outlook.

  • Step 1: Open Outlook, click "New Email," and write your email with all the details.
  • Step 2: In the top menu, click "Options" to open your email settings.
  • Step 3: Within "Options," select "Delay Delivery" to access your email scheduling.
  • Step 4: In the "Properties" window, pick the "Recurring" option from the "Do Not Deliver Before" dropdown.
  • Step 5: Then go to the "Recurrence" section, and select how often (daily, weekly, etc.), and set start and end dates.
  • Step 6: Click "OK" to confirm your settings and close the "Properties" window.
  • Step 7: Your recurring email is ready. Press "Send," and Outlook will handle the rest.

Important note, this method only works with the desktop version of Outlook. If you’re using the mobile or browser app, you’ll need a third-party tool like Boomerang or know a little bit of coding to make it happen.

Recurring Email Tips and Best Practices

Automating your emails is a fantastic way to streamline your communications, but it comes with responsibilities.

1. Proofread Your Messages

Proofreading is crucial for any email, but especially for recurring ones. Mistakes can accumulate and tarnish your credibility over time. Take the extra moment to review your content, ensuring it's polished and error-free before hitting that send button.

2. Don't Let Your Recurring Email Run Forever

Automation is a blessing, but it's important to know when to bid your recurring emails adieu. Set clear end dates for your campaigns. Whether it's a limited-time offer or a specific duration for your reminders, make sure your emails have a graceful exit.

3. Don't Over Do It

Remember, there's a fine line between being helpful and becoming an annoyance. Resist the urge to bombard your recipients with emails one after another. Space them out thoughtfully to maintain engagement without overwhelming your audience and stay away from spam triggers.

4. Make Changes as Necessary

The digital landscape is ever-changing, and your email campaigns should adapt accordingly. Regularly review your campaign's performance. Are your open rates dropping? Are recipients unsubscribing? Stay vigilant, and be prepared to tweak your content, subject lines, or send times to optimize your results.

5. Segment Your Recipients

Not all recipients are the same. Tailor your recurring emails to specific segments of your audience based on their preferences, behaviors, or demographics. Personalization increases engagement and makes your emails feel more relevant.

6. Experiment with Content

Don't be afraid to mix things up. Try different subject lines, visuals, or call-to-action buttons. Experimentation can lead to insights that help you refine your emails for maximum impact.

Unlock the Potential of Recurring Emails with Findymail

Congratulations, you've just unlocked the secrets of sending recurring emails in Outlook! With these insights and best practices in your arsenal, you're poised to revolutionize your communication strategy.

And with Findymail, you can ensure your recurring emails actually reach the right individuals with verified, authentic email addresses. Say goodbye to bounces, undeliverable messages, and wasted efforts.

So why settle for guessing whether your emails are hitting their mark? Sign up for Findymail today!