Generating high-quality leads in the B2B realm is no easy feat. It requires a combination of creativity, data-driven decision-making, and a deep understanding of your target audience.

It’s like what Houston from says: you’d be hard-pressed to find a thriving business that doesn’t have a well-established lead gen process:

But here's the catch: B2B lead gen isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are some commonalities. You need to find your leads, reach out to them, and have a way to track what’s working and what’s not.

And that’s what we’re here for today. In this guide, I’m going to share with you some of the tips and tricks I’ve picked up over the years so you can take your led gen game to the next level.

How to Find B2B Sales Leads

When you want to generate lead lists yourself, you have three options:

You can buy them, find them on your own, or use tools.

Let’s look at each option and how they work.

1) Buy a Lead List (A Bad Idea)

One option that may tempt you is buying lead lists. However, let me tell you upfront that it's generally a terrible idea. Here's why:

  • Low-quality leads: The leads you purchase may not be properly vetted or aligned with your target audience. You'll likely end up spending countless hours manually reviewing the lists you receive, trying to identify the leads that are actually relevant to your business.
  • Wrong Data: Most lead list providers and tools don't consistently update their databases. This means you could be working with outdated contact information, wasting your time and resources on leads that may no longer be relevant.
  • Unverified email addresses: When you rely on purchased lead lists, there's a high risk of encountering unverified or inaccurate email addresses. Your carefully crafted emails could end up in a catch-all inbox or fail to reach the intended recipients altogether, negatively impacting your email deliverability rates.
  • Legal compliance concerns: Depending on the country you operate in, purchasing lead lists may raise legal issues, such as violations of regulations like GDPR. Contacting individuals whose email addresses you obtained from scraped or questionable sources can land you in hot water and harm your reputation.

Quite frankly, I think buying lead lists is a waste of time and money.

But if you decide to take this route, make sure you check every email yourself to make sure they’re valid. And you can always use Findymail to help speed up that process with verified email addresses.

Remember, in B2B lead generation, quality is paramount. It's crucial to focus on generating leads that are genuinely interested in your offerings and have a higher likelihood of converting into valuable customers.

Now that we've ruled out buying lead lists, let's explore better alternatives for finding B2B sales leads.

2) Finding Your Own Leads (A Better Idea)

If you don’t need a ton of leads or you can’t find them using standard lead gen tools, you can manually find leads yourself. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Get your ICP and qualification criteria together: Start by defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and the specific criteria that determine whether a lead is a good fit for your business. Consider factors such as industry, company size, job title, and any other relevant characteristics that align with your target audience.
  2. Get to searching: Once you have your ICP in place, it's time to embark on an exploration of the online world. Look for the specific channels and platforms where your ideal prospects are likely to gather and seek information. This could include industry-specific forums, social media groups, or niche websites. The goal is to identify the online spaces where your prospects are most active.
  3. Use Findymail: When you've identified a potential lead, you can turn to Findymail, a handy tool for finding verified email addresses. Simply install the Findymail Chrome extension, visit the lead's website or their social media profile (LinkedIn often works best), and click on the extension icon. Findymail will work its magic, tracking down the right email address and pre-verifying it for you.
  1. Add the clean contact info to your list: Once you've obtained the verified email address, add it to your lead list. Keep your lead list organized and up to date to ensure you have accurate contact information for your outreach efforts.

It's important to note that building a lead list in this manner takes time and effort. So, I recommend using this approach for high-value buyers and anyone that requires a hyper-personalized approach.

By finding your own leads and verifying their email addresses, you can ensure that your efforts are focused on engaging with qualified prospects who have a genuine interest in your products or services.

3) Use Tools for Lead Gen (A Great Idea)

Now, if you’ve completely worked out your ICP and qualification requirements, dedicated sales intelligence tools can be a game-changer.

Let’s look at two of my favorite tools I use to build lead lists:

Sales Navigator

First, LinkedIn's Sales Navigator offers a robust sales intelligence database that allows you to filter leads based on specific criteria. Whether it's company size, job title,  or more, Sales Navigator provides advanced search capabilities.

And since it's LinkedIn, you can get access to their large professional network. This means you can leverage the extensive user base to set up sales triggers and reach out to prospects at the right time (more on reaching out in a bit).

While Sales Navigator doesn't provide direct access to email addresses, you can overcome this limitation by using Findymail.

With Findymail, you can bulk-export your Sales Navigator leads and obtain their verified email addresses, ensuring seamless communication.

Now, I like Apollo because it’s a comprehensive sales intelligence and engagement platform that serves as both a contact database and an outreach tool. It offers a wide range of features, including advanced prospect research capabilities.

For example, if you receive a lead list from your sales reps, you can leverage Apollo to gather additional insights about your prospects before reaching out. That way, you ask the right questions and demonstrate a deeper understanding of their business.

Then the persona match is cool because you can find more prospects similar to your ideal customers.

While Apollo gets you all the contact info you need, you’ll need Findymail if you want to scrape in bulk.

Of course, these are just two of a plethora of tools available. Regardless of which ones you decide to put in your tech stack, make sure you leverage the power of technology to supercharge your B2B lead generation efforts

Best Lead Generation Channels and Strategies

But true lead gen is the art of getting customers to come to you.

Let’s look at some different channels and strategies to make that happen.

1) Dive into Lead Databases

Need a major boost in lead volume? Don't fret: lead databases are filled with millions of B2B contacts and executives.

You can filter and target leads based on your specific criteria, whether it's their seniority level, company size, industry, or location. With seamless integration with CRM platforms and marketing tools, managing and tracking your leads becomes a piece of cake.

2) Be a Q&A Superstar

You know those platforms like Reddit and Quora where people throw questions into the digital abyss? Well, they're actually goldmines for generating new sales leads.

Your potential customers are out there, actively seeking solutions. So why not jump in and provide helpful answers to their burning questions?

Not only will you establish yourself as an authority, but you'll also attract leads who are totally digging your expertise.

3) Let Your Email Signature Shine

Every email you send is a chance to make an impression. Don't waste it!

Include a well-designed email signature that packs a punch. Spice it up with links to your social media profiles, so prospects can easily stalk – I mean, discover more about your product or service.

You can even promote your killer content or link to your LinkedIn account to drive engagement and expand your reach.

4) Leverage Online Reviews

Make sure you have some glowing reviews of your product or service available online because guess what? A whopping 87% of consumers check out those reviews before making a purchase. So, get your happy customers to leave reviews and let those positive testimonials work their magic on your lead generation.

5) LinkedIn Polls FTW

When it comes to generating leads, LinkedIn Polls are a special breed. They offer a unique opportunity to engage with your audience and spark conversations. Whip up thought-provoking polls that strike a chord with your target market.

Once they've cast their vote, reach out to them directly because you already know they have a specific need or interest. It's like the ultimate icebreaker to start meaningful conversations with potential leads.

6) Unleash the Power of Referrals

Word-of-mouth marketing is the real deal. So, tap into the magic of referrals. Encourage your satisfied customers and partners to spread the love and refer others to your business. Implement referral programs and sweeten the deal with rewards or discounts.

Trust me, that word-of-mouth buzz will do wonders for expanding your reach and attracting leads who already have a level of trust in what you offer.

7) Create Killer Content and Websites

Become a lead magnet by creating compelling content that hits home with your target audience. Whether it's jaw-dropping blog posts, attention-grabbing videos, or ear-pleasing podcasts, share valuable insights that address their pain points and provide practical solutions.

And don't forget to show off your professional and user-friendly website that showcases your products or services. Sprinkle in clear calls-to-action and use lead capture forms to gather contact information from interested prospects. Get them hooked!

8) Capture Leads with Forms

Imagine having an invisible net that captures valuable contact information from potential leads visiting your website or landing pages. Well, that's exactly what lead capture forms do! Offer irresistible incentives like downloadable resources, exclusive content, or special offers in exchange for their deets. Make sure your forms are easy-peasy to use, mobile-friendly, and clearly communicate the value prospects will receive in return. Let the lead capture game begin!

9) Leverage TikTok Influencer Magic

Get ready to ride the TikTok wave and reach a younger, highly engaged audience. Create eye-catching videos that strike a chord with your target market and let the platform's viral nature work its magic. And if you don’t want to do the dirty work, partner up with TikTok influencers who vibe with your brand and watch your reach explode.

You don't need a Ph.D. in tech to make it happen. TikTok influencer marketing is your ticket to instant results and a fresh addition to your lead generation strategy.

10) Go Big with Paid Advertising

Sometimes you need to give your lead generation a boost with a little investment. Allocate a portion of your marketing budget to paid advertising channels like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads.

Laser-target your ads to reach your dream customers with the platforms' fancy targeting options. Paid advertising is like turning on the visibility switch, bringing a surge of traffic to your website or landing pages.

How to Reach Out to Leads

So you worked out your ICP, got some emails and contact info, but now it’s time to actually start reaching out to leads and reeling them in.

You have several options, so let’s look at some of my favorites.

Cold Emailing

It’s no secret I love cold emails.

I mean, with the right tactics, you can increase your conversion rate from a mere 8.5% to over 40%. That's a significant boost in your chances of turning leads into valuable customers!

Cold emailing offers several advantages that make it a preferred choice for many businesses.

Firstly, it's incredibly scalable. You can reach a large number of prospects with just a few clicks, allowing you to expand your outreach efforts and connect with a broader audience.

And then cold emailing provides an easy and measurable way to track your results. By analyzing open rates, click-through rates, and response rates, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven improvements.

Moreover, people are increasingly receptive to emails these days. It feels less intrusive than a phone call or a message on your personal social media.

Its effectiveness relies heavily on the strategies you use.

For example, I always stress personalization. You know, not sending cookie-cutter emails to hundreds of prospects. I mean, you tailor each email to the individual recipient, addressing their specific needs and pain points.

By showing that you've done your research and understand their unique challenges, you significantly increase the likelihood of grabbing their attention and prompting a response.

Another thing to think about is your subject line. Craft subject lines that are intriguing, attention-grabbing, and relevant to the recipient. A compelling subject line sets the stage for your email and entices the reader to open and engage with your message.

If you're looking to enhance your cold email efforts, you know I've got you covered. I've created definitive guides and templates that provide comprehensive insights and practical tips on how to craft effective cold emails.

Cold Calling

Some consider cold calling a relic of the past, but it still holds a valuable place for outreach. In fact, it offers unique advantages that can't be replicated through other means.

For example, you have more personalized interactions. You can hear the prospect's voice, so you can pick up on subtle cues such as tone, inflection, or hesitation – giving valuable insights into their level of interest and engagement.

Then, real-time conversations let you address objections on the spot, clearing up any doubts or concerns. It’s an immediate feedback loop that can effectively build trust and move the conversation forward.

But what I really like about cold calling is the level of control you have over the flow of the conversation.

Unlike other channels, such as email or social media, where responses may be delayed or lost in the noise, a phone call allows for direct and focused communication.

You can guide the conversation, ask targeted questions, and ensure that your message is delivered clearly and persuasively.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows – cold calling does have its drawbacks.

For one, people generally hate receiving random calls from strangers. It raises resistance right off the bat and starts things off on the wrong foot.

You have to approach cold calling with empathy and respect for the prospect's time and preferences.

I recommend a two-pronged approach. Start by making the initial contact through email, introducing yourself, and establishing a connection or common ground. Warm up the prospect and set a positive tone for things going forward.

Once you've gotten this initial rapport, you can then transition to a phone call.

Remember, you aren’t limited in how you reach out to people. Try one, both, and a combination of things to find what works best for your business.

Other Methods

Although cold calls and emails rule the day, there are some alternate ways you can reach out to leads.

For example, you can slide into their DMs. Many of the same rules of cold emails would apply here – personalization, pitch, CTA, etc. A lot of business is done on places like Instagram and TikTok. So if you’re dealing with a hip startup or someone like that, a DM could work.

And you can also send them a connection request or inMail on LinkedIn. Just be aware of the limits placed on these.

Hell, if it’s a high-value lead, you can cut through all the digital noise and send them good ole snail mail. Personalized letters, creative packages, or cool swag can make a lasting impression and show that you're willing to go the extra mile.

Of course, you also come across leads in the wild while at events or conferences. Be sure to exchange contact info if you find a juicy lead and nurture it to a closed deal.

Tracking Lead Generation

Lead generation tracking is all about keeping tabs on where your prospects are in the sales funnel and how they're interacting with your sales team.

Don't confuse it with lead scoring, which is all about ranking leads based on their behavior and activities.

Lead gen tracking focuses on the specific stuff, like the lead's position in the sales funnel, the number of times they've chatted up your sales reps, and their level of engagement with your marketing campaigns, so you get a clearer picture of their decision-making process.

Why is this tracking business important? Well, it's like having X-ray vision into your marketing and sales efforts. You can see what's working, what needs tweaking, and where you should focus your attention.

Here are a few methods for lead gen tracking:

  • CRM Systems: Your CRM likely has lead gen tracking capabilities so you can see where a lead came from, your interactions, and more.
  • Hidden Form Fields: These let you gather additional information about your leads without bombarding them with endless questions. By strategically embedding hidden fields in your forms, you can capture valuable insights like lead sources, marketing campaigns, or specific interests.
  • Google Analytics: With Google Analytics, you can uncover valuable data about your lead generation efforts. Track website traffic, referral sources, and user behavior patterns to gain insights into which marketing channels are bringing in the most leads.
  • Marketing Attribution: Marketing attribution helps you understand which touchpoints and marketing campaigns contribute to lead generation and conversion. By assigning value to each interaction along the customer journey, you can identify the most effective marketing channels and allocate your resources wisely.

Supercharge Your Lead Generation with Findymail

Remember, lead generation is the lifeblood of any successful business. It's all about finding those golden opportunities, engaging with prospects, and turning them into happy customers. With the right tools and strategies in place, you have the power to make it happen.

But why stop there? Take your lead generation game to the next level with Findymail. Make sure you’re getting the right email addresses for when you reach out to prospects so your well-crafted pitches don’t go to waste!